Our mission:

«We are countries of the Carpathian region, have to enhance our relations as strong as possible through unanimity and cooperation»

Rostyslav Pyliaiev


Carpathian Platform – Slovak public organization that promotes the development of the Carpathian macro-region through the creation and support of academic, socio-cultural, environmental and commercial initiatives and projects. To do this, we conduct research, advocate for changes in the transition to clean, affordable and safe energy, organize communication, charity and socio-cultural campaigns, as well as search for new ones.

Carpathian Platform

1 month 1 week ago

When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

Carpathian Platform

1 month 1 week ago

Carpathian Platform

2 months 4 days ago

When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

Carpathian Platform

3 months 10 hours ago

Carpathian Platform

3 months 3 weeks ago

Karpatská platforma vás pozýva na výstavu v spolupráci s OZ Krásny Spiš a umelcom Ferom Guldanom. Ide o jedinečný zážitok a diskusiu o knihe Miroslava Polláka „Spišské exody v 20 storoči“. Podujatie sa uskutoční 6. júna o 18:00 v Poprade. Viac informácií nájdete na pozvánke nižšie.
Dúfame, že sa tam uvidíme!

Carpathian Platform

4 months 3 days ago


👋Srdečne vás pozývam na zajtrajšiu prezentáciu mojej knihy, ktorá bude spojená s diskusiou s významnými hosťami. Vstup je voľný, prosíme o registráciu na docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf90eSBItTlxD4WZ46rw0jUjCD3sQdKnD7T6BZ1WgzXxARC9A/viewform

📚Knihu si budete môcť zobrať počas diskusie.

Nadácia Tunegu, Púčika a Tesára FÓRUM pre Slovensko

Carpathian Platform

4 months 2 weeks ago

On April 25, the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "National Economic Development Strategies in the Global Environment" will be held.
The purpose of the conference is a comprehensive scientific analysis of current issues of international economic relations and problems of national economic development by domestic and foreign scientists, postgraduate students, practitioners, students whose research interests are focused on the problems of forming and implementing national economic development strategies in the global environment.
Organisers: Дипломатична академія України імені Геннадія Удовенка при МЗС(Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Кафедра міжнародних економічних відносин і бізнесу ФМВ НАУ(Department of International Economic Relations and Business of the Faculty of Management of the National Academy of Sciences) and non-governmental organization Carpathian Platform

Carpathian Platform

4 months 3 weeks ago

Karpatská platforma si Vás dovoľuje pozvať na budúcotýždňové podujatie s názvom "Môže demokracia prežiť bez slobodných médií?", ktoré sa uskutoční 23.04.2024 o 17:00 v Zichyho paláci na Ventúrskej 9 v Bratislave.

Podujatie je organizované s cieľom diskutovať o slobode slova nielen na Slovensku, ale aj v Českej republike, Poľsku a Maďarsku.
Počas podujatia budete mať možnosť stretnúť sa a porozprávať sa s redaktormi spravodajstva, mediálnymi odborníkmi a ďalšími hosťami.
Viac informácií nájdete v priloženej pozvánke.

Tešíme sa na stretnutie s vami na podujatí!

Carpathian Platform

5 months 4 weeks ago

On 7 March, at the invitation of Tomasz Jędruchow, a representative of the Carpathian Platform attended the panel discussion "Solidarity gene. Supporting Ukraine in the face of war", organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Institute in Budapest.
The discussion was led by: Bartosz Cichocki, former Polish Ambassador to Kyiv, Jaap Scholten, Dutch writer, and Szabolcs Vörös, Hungarian journalist, who shared their personal experiences of living in Ukraine during the war.
Afterwards, all those present were invited to view an exhibition of photographs taken by correspondent Tomasz Jędruchow which he made in Ukraine during the war.

Carpathian Platform

6 months 2 days ago

🤝В рамках меморандуму про співпрацю із "Карпатська платформа" Carpathian Platform розширяємо географію партнерства. Сьогодні на зустрічі Petro Lavriienko Kateryna Savchuk з новими партнерами з Великопольського воєводства Республіки Польщі Paulina Kirschke Woykowska.org Tomasz Telesiński обговорили спільну участь у грантовому конкурсі "RITA" щодо посилення спроможності органів місцевого самоврядування Хмельницької області в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів, враховуючи досвід Польщі та Словаччини.

Далі буде 🔜

Carpathian Platform

6 months 2 weeks ago

On February 21, the Carpathian Platform organized and hosted the event "Exody v XX. storoči, solidarita v XXI. storoči" at the Zychicho Palace.
During the meeting, opinion leaders from the countries of the Carpathian region (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Slovakia) discussed important challenges in the twentieth century that have left their mark on the present.
An exhibition of paintings by Slovak artist Fera Guldana, dedicated to the theme of the conference, was also presented.
The event was attended by well-known historians, scientists of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, cultural and artistic figures, politicians and public figures.

We express our gratitude to all those who contributed to the project and attended it.

Carpathian Platform

6 months 3 weeks ago

On 8 of February a representative of the Carpathian Platform took part in a meeting organised by the Polish-Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with its partners in Krakow.

The event was a great opportunity to establish contacts with representatives of Polish, Czech and Slovak companies and diplomatic circles. They discussed the development of small and medium-sized businesses between the countries.